
Is your business working to replace fossil fuels with renewable, bio-based alternatives? Gain speed in the rich industrial landscape in the region of Västernorrland, where researchers and pioneering companies like Uniper and Liquid Wind are already exploring tomorrow’s solutions at full steam. 

FLAGSHIPONE, örnsköldsvik

Europe’s largest e-methanol plant 

Västernorrland is home to one of the largest e-methanol projects in Europe. Starting in 2025, the FlagshipONE plant in Örnsköldsvik will produce 50 000 tons of e-fuel for the shopping industry every year, using 70 000 tons of biogenic carbon dioxide. The CO2 is captured from the nearby cogeneration plant using 100% renewable electricity in the process. All in all, 100 000 tons of emissions will be avoided each year from this production site only. Next to the plant there is a port facility, offering access to storage and offloading the fuel. 

FlagshipONE relies heavily on the great access to green electricity, biogenic CO2 from the forestry industry, and excellent infrastructure of the region. As it happens, the plant is also neighbor to High Coast Innovation Park, Sweden’s biggest cluster of startups and research centers in the bioeconomy sector. 

FlagshipONE was planned by the e-fuel pioneers at Liquid Wind and sold to Danish energy company Ørsted in 2022. 

100% renewable 

With great access to hydro and wind power, Västernorrland can offer you 100% renewable energy. 

Stable grid

Västernorrland boasts one of the world’s most stable power grids! 


Sweden has the biggest share of renewable energy (66 %) in the EU as of 2022.

Low price

Sweden consistently ranks among the countries with the lowest electricity prices in the EU. 


From timber to twig

Taking care of the whole tree – from timber to twig – is the motto of Swedish forestry. That’s why biomaterial from sustainably managed forests is a major resource in our region – a resource ready to be upcycled. 1% of the Swedish forest resource is felled annually and the number of yearly new growth trees exceeds the number of those felled. Consequently, the supply of biomass from sustainably managed forests is increasing and Sweden is committed to leading the transition towards a fully sustainable society.

DID YOU KNOW that 70% of Sweden and 89% of Västernorrland is forest land.

Do you want to be a part of an industrial symbiosis?

We have residual streams just waiting to be upcycled, industry sites ready for development and access to renewable energy. Join us in the green transition!

We know the flow

The heart of bioeconomy

Explore our available sites

The High Coast region offers a wide range of available sites, all of them well suited for battery production.


Site type

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Power capacity

This site is especially suited and prepared for industry with great need of sustainable and locally produced power supply. In addition to the 145 available hectare there is further expansion possibilities in terms of more industrial areas and an even greater power supply.


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Power capacity

Hamre is situated at the heart of Swedish power production. With redundant, high-voltage powerlines and local green power production around the corner, Hamre can offer a capacity of an incredible 500 MW. This makes it one of the most powerful sites in Sweden!


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Power capacity

This site ticks all the boxes for a dream location for an electricity-intensive industry. The site is located close to the city center of Sundsvall and the new logistics park (estimated to be completed 2024), which means that both manpower and transports are within close reach. As is the relevant infrastructure for electricity, sewage and water.

Saltvik East

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Time to market

Saltvik East offers a perfect location for an innovative and sustainable company within the Foodtech industry. The site is located in Saltvik’s industrial area, in Härnösand, home to northern Sweden Foodtech arena and next-door neighbour to foodtech pioneer Agtira.


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Power capacity

Torsboda is a good location for an electricity intensive industry. Here you have a nearby port (Delta Terminal) with a logistic center where you also can access rail road. The site is adjacent to the highway (E4) and is situated just a couple of minutes away from the Sundsvall/Timrå Airport.


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Power capacity

At site Vivstavarv you have your own port on site and the site is only a couple of minutes away from the airport. The land is zoned and ready for construction, and you have 100 MW of power available within 24 months.